Dragon ball z song transformacion
Dragon ball z song transformacion

Then comes the twist comic plot with Monaka and Bills also fulfilling the desire of Champa, Making the whole saga a nonsense. Hit, the kind of 1000-year-old who can stop time, who overcomes the power of Goku and Vegeta, being both have the power of the gods (and included in a higher phase), the god level is so mediocre that it can be reached And overcome by anyone? And worst of all, the Kaioken * 10, with that mother should have killed Hit by just touching it, but no, and even loses. Equal Vegeta and Goku beat everyone, 5 vs 5 something very strange or unnecessary, then this Frost, conveniently showed us that he is a good subject and such nonsense, being that in the previous fight did not do the same with Botamo, but hey, then it turns out he is bad and I do not know what. The bow of the tournament seemed to me the worst of all, leaving aside that you do a tournament with 2 guys who have the power of a god, wasted all the others, Piccolo valued cock with a strategy stupid, being that in Z type If he thought well, Gohan had said that he would train and here he does not appear, Majin Buu, bone, be extremely strong and leave with a nonsense that can not enter because he can not write.

#Dragon ball z song transformacion series

They started adapting the 2 movies, although supposedly it was to correct mistakes, but in both they put events like that of Tagoma (I think that's what it was called), leaving him alive, with a pseudo motivation so that later Ginyu will arrive and steal the body and equal Ginyu Dies, making all this irrelevant, there were scenes in the film that lasted with 5 minutes and the series extended them to 2 chapters, being thatġ film can be summarized in up to 4 chapters. Let's go in parts, EVERYTHING DBS does is wrong.

dragon ball z song transformacion dragon ball z song transformacion

Review of all Dragon Ball Super up to chapter 131 Review in English and Spanish/Reseña en ingles y español.

Dragon ball z song transformacion